Download SoundEar3

SoundEar3 software download

This software is for use with the SoundEar 3 (order code SE3EAR), the SoundEar 3 Industrial (order code SE3IND) and the SoundEar 3-320 Noise Processor (order code SE3-320).

It can be used to configure the SoundEar 3 thresholds, display options and storage options. It also downloads the measurements and presents them in a graphical format.

After installing the new version of the software you may need to upgrade the firmware in the SoundEar 3 to the latest version, unless you already have v1.6.0. All your log files in the internal log will be deleted since you have to do a factory re-set. Remember to do a read out by USB of the log files before updating the firmware if you want to keep the measurements. They can still be viewed in the measurement library afterwards.

  • Connect your SoundEar 3 device to your computer and open the software
  • Go to Set up and find Device Info in the left side menu.
  • Click on Check for firmware update
  • Click OK. Your firmware will now be updated
  • When the update is complete you need to do a factory reset of your device. Click on Factory Setting in the bottom of the left side menu.